Executive Officers Ivonne Strauss de Milz, President (Founder, Ownership Group) Jose Loinaz, Vice-President (Alumni Parent) Ricardo Strauss, Treasurer (Alumni Parent, Ownership Group) Members-at-Large Yudelkis Cid (Parent) Juan Perdomo(Community Member)
The ISS Strategic Plan
The ISSOSUA strategic plan is the product of a steering committee and larger planning group composed of the Head of School, members of the Board of Directors, staff representatives, leadership, students, and parents; the school quality team (SQT). The SQT met monthly reviewing processes, stakeholder surveys, and data. The participants confirmed the School’s foundational documents and engaged in an overview of trends such as educational and economic opportunities and risks facing the Dominican Republic in the next 5 to 10 years. Then, following an analysis of ISSOSUA’s strengths and needs in the school’s programs, student performances and involvement, the group selected five strategic planning areas.